Effective from February 28 2017, all cPanel shared hosting & premium hosting platforms will be enabled with SSL.

This service is free-of-charge for all cPanel accounts and no setup is required from customer's end.

How it works

1. The SSL certificate installation will be automatic with no forms to be filled out. This include no validation emails and links for approval are needed. A domain with a valid DNS A record with the account hosted under NME are required for the SSL certificate to be installed.

2. The SSL certificate coverage for a domain name will not lapse because the certificate will be automatically renewed and installed by the system.

3. Certificate Installation will be completely free-of-charge.

4. Premium Hosting customers with existing certificate will not be replaced with this certificate.

5. Customer's domain will not be forced to run HTTPS by default.

Why SSL certificate?

1. HTTPS and SSL on search engine ranking and security label
Google has announced that domain with SSL certificate will boost SERP (Search engine results page) and recently Chrome 56 has launched a new indicator to label all HTTPS websites with SSL a green "SECURE" label.

2. Data/Connection Encryption
SSL certificate helps to encrypt connections to and from a site and to ensure that sensitive information will not be tapped by eavesdroppers.

3. Authentication
SSL certificate proves that the users communicate with the intended website and build user trust to transfer sensitive information to the website.

IMPORTANT: This feature is only eligible for cPanel accounts with NewMedia Express and it will be enabled by default. Some restrictions may apply. If you wish to disable this service, please contact our sales team at for more details.